At Myskatonic, We’re interested primarily in identity and place and are drawn to stories where characters find themselves displaced from the everyday into otherworldly situations that challenge their perceptions. We’re intrigued by the unknown, and particularly in how stories situated in personal identity and psychogeography can say something beyond the literal.

“Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places.”

H.P. Lovecraft - The Picture in the House

Project Summary

1907, Massachusetts. A scholar drifts from his path and finds himself in a house he takes for deserted. Deserted, apart from a beguiling book containing dark secrets that exerts a powerful hold over those who come into contact with it.

Backwoods Trailer: 
Backwoods Full Film:
Licensed: Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched (2021)
Profile, Director’s Notes:

Cast: Kevin Horsham (The Northman), Ciaran Clarke, Noah Wallace.